Teletypes (more more)

From: Jeffrey Sharp <>
Date: Fri Jul 26 21:12:06 2002

On Friday, July 26, 2002, Dwight K. Elvey wrote:

> Maybe we could get someone that is in the area to deal with shipping
> various items ( for a small overhead ).

YES! Someone *please* do this! I could *really* use an ASR-33!

> shipping cost a lot and they really are too heavy to put in a cardboard
> box

Huh? Take 'em off their stand, and they're sufficiently small and light. I'd
use a double-wall box (available from any serious box store), but they'll
ship just fine. And I want one.

Jeffrey Sharp
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Received on Fri Jul 26 2002 - 21:12:06 BST

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