on 7/26/02 9:10 PM, Jeffrey Sharp at lists_at_subatomix.com wrote:
>> Maybe we could get someone that is in the area to deal with shipping
>> various items ( for a small overhead ).
> YES! Someone *please* do this! I could *really* use an ASR-33!
Just about everyone could. It's one of the things I need to complete my Nova
2 and 3 systems. Oh yeah, and my Honeywell 316, which I now have the manuals
for. 8-)
>> shipping cost a lot and they really are too heavy to put in a cardboard
>> box
> Huh? Take 'em off their stand, and they're sufficiently small and light. I'd
> use a double-wall box (available from any serious box store), but they'll
> ship just fine. And I want one.
Mine (now yours, Jeff) was shipped UPS and arrived just fine. So yes, they
can be shipped. The man who sent it only did a so-so job of packing it, too,
and it still made it all right. He took the main unit off the stand and
wrapped it well, then put the rolls of paper and paper tape in the stand.
Owen Robertson
Received on Sat Jul 27 2002 - 00:21:07 BST