Sorry the Mac 128 was item number 2026464664 and the final price was
$2752.22 and it was for a complete system with boxes and extras.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sellam Ismail" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: The prices on ebay are going UP
> On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, John R. Keys Jr. wrote:
> > Did everyone see the IBM 5100 that just sold for $5,656 item
> That is indeed high for a 5100.
> > ( what can I get for my two 5110's ?)and the Lisa I the sold for
> > item #2026966399. So one got me at the last minute on a Hasbo
> This may scare some people, but that is the exact value that I would
> to a Lisa 1 (and not just because I own one). Also, this is almost a
> perfect example of an original Lisa, and it works, which is a major
> because a lot of original Lisa and Lisa 2 (which was an upgraded Lisa
> machines have had their on-board battery leak all over the board and
> corrode components (mine has this problem, but still boots, albeit to
> error window). This is repairable but the fact that this one boots
> up indicates that either this didn't happen (someone was cognizant of
> switch inside that deactivates the battery) or it didn't damage the
> motherboard.
> Also, the mumblings of "prototype" and possibly early serial number
> the value of this one up. And the fact that it still has the original
> boxes for the keyboard and mouse is amazing. Altogether, a very
> significant auction (I don't normally get worked up over eBay
> in this manner ;)
> > Think-A-Tron in orig box went for only $38.50. I was out this
> Think-A-Tron's are actually fairly common.
> > when it sold. Also a Mac 128k went for around $1250 and I'm setting
> > about 10 of those things but not in the shape this one was. And Mr.
> Is it an original Macintosh or a Macintosh 128K (with the "Macintosh
> emblem on the back as opposed to the "Macintosh 512" for the 512K
> and "Macintosh" for the original)?
> > "aek" took me out on two mainframe books that I had the high bids
> Never try to outbid Al on a mainframe book. It's a basic law of
> > All-in-all a bad day on ebay for me (lost five and won 1).
> <violins>
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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Received on Mon Jun 03 2002 - 22:58:36 BST