On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, Tothwolf wrote:
> Do the heaters of the other 5 tubes in the same row glow? IBM may have
> used 6x 25V heaters in series to avoid using a voltage regulator. If you
> find a source for the 25L6, and especially the IBM branded tube, get at
> least a couple of extras. Tubes are generally very robust, but they don't
> like being jarred around, and theres no telling what kind of abuse the
> current tubes have been though.
Yeah, if I could find a stash of IBM tubes I would certainly buy them all
:) I'm not holding out for that. A generic tube would suit me fine.
> Well, the tubes are not likely to smoke, but old capacitors are... I'm
> guessing that you've already powered the unit up by now, but I'd recommend
> using a variac to bring the voltage up slowly when first powering up old
> equipment such as this when it has been stored for a long time. Bringing
Yeah, we were impatient. These old machines are tough though. We didn't
have any problems.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
* Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
Received on Wed Jun 05 2002 - 14:59:46 BST