Replacement tube for IBM 026 Printing Card Punch

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Wed Jun 5 15:34:43 2002

--- Sellam Ismail <> wrote:
> Yeah, if I could find a stash of IBM tubes I would certainly buy them all
> :) I'm not holding out for that. A generic tube would suit me fine.

Me, too. AFAIK, all the tubes in mine are lit, but I'd like to have
some spares. IBM tubes would be nice, but I'll take generic, also.
> Yeah, we were impatient. These old machines are tough though. We didn't
> have any problems.

When I got my 026, I didn't know there could _be_ problems. I got lucky,
too. Mine seems to have some mechanical issues - could use a good
cleaning at least.


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Received on Wed Jun 05 2002 - 15:34:43 BST

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