Ben Franchuk wrote:
> Still check the schematic and a datasheet , as you have less drive
> on the LS chip and I think the 74123's and the 74LS123's handle
> the clear line differently. On one the clear could trigger the one shot.
Yes, thanks for the hint. At least for that half that died, the clear
line won't be a problem: it's simply pulled up together with the
active-high input (pin 2).
Fanout will also be no trouble: pin 4 only has to drive a single
standard TTL input (or maybe even LS-TTL). Maybe this one will have a
fan-in of 2 or so, but no more.
I'm just not sure about what the other half has to do. I promise, I'll
check before I proceed.
> Also they have 74123's here for $1.28
Good price, but when you add shipping, maybe I find something equivalent
around here.
Andreas Freiherr
Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany
Received on Thu Mar 07 2002 - 11:22:43 GMT