OT Mitsubishi Monitor Weirdness

From: Gary Hildebrand <ghldbrd_at_ccp.com>
Date: Fri Mar 8 04:01:35 2002

Julius Sridhar wrote:
> Hi people. I have a Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900u (nowhere near on-topic
> but I figure people here might know better what causes this kind of
> problem). If I provide it with a sync-on-green signal to its BNC
> connectors (It has five, I connect three), the monitor syncs up just fine,
> but all the areas that are black show up with a green cast. The white
> areas show up just fine. I haven't looked at an image with color yet, but
> I would guess that all the colors would probably be shifted towards the
> green. Any ideas?
> Peace... Sridhar

Sounds like your minitor needs a minor tweaking of the green screen
control. What is best is a stairstep input, and you can set your
screens and channel gains for an acceptable picture, i.e. greys, with no
hint of color. As the CRT ages, these will wander a bit.

Gary Hildebrand
St. Joseph, MO
Received on Fri Mar 08 2002 - 04:01:35 GMT

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