Yes, that IS the answer.
The video dongle looks like a simple cable, but it must have some sort of
electronic switch in it as well.
It switches the monitor between the PCs video output and the Mac's video
As a workaround, however, I remember that you CAN plug in two monitors
simultaneously -- one that shows
what is going on on the PC and another, the Mac...
It is actually pretty cool -- just requires lots of desk space ...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris []
> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 2:42 PM
> To: Classic Computer
> Subject: Re: Semi-OT: PMac 6100 DOS
> >Question: There is a three-row, 26-pin port on the PC card, for some
> >external device to plug in to. What is this?
> Looking over the fact that it always hangs at the same place... I think
> what is happening is, it IS booted into the PC... only that 26pin
> connector is for the video dongle, and without it, you just aren't seeing
> the PC screen.
> There should be a cable that plugs into that port. That cable will then
> have an RGB video connector to go to a monitor, an RGB video connector to
> go to the Mac's video out port, and a PC Joy stick port.
> It looks like the card you have is just like all the others... without
> that dongle, the card is useless. FINDING a dongle is next to impossible
> without getting a whole new card. Some day I will have to sit down and
> pinout one of my Dongles, so that I can at least make available a wiring
> diagram for others to make new ones.
> >Awesome, thanks for the link! Why is the corresponding Apple FTP site's
> >folder empty then? Grrr. Made me think they'd pulled their whole software
> >archive except for patches.
> Apple reorganized their software archives a while back... and they made a
> total mess of things. Some stuff is located in odd places, some stuff was
> moved but links not updated... ugh... its a mess for anything in the old
> discontinued software.
> >One thing I noticed, dunno if it's at all relevant, but when I try to
> >click the popup menu for "Sharing" (this is in the PC Setup panel) it
> >gives me the following error message: "No PC drive letters available.
> Make
> >sure that "MACSHARE" has been started on the PC and "LASTDRIVE" is set to
> >an appropriate value in your "CONFIG.SYS"." I assume this is for file
> >sharing Mac data to the PC side, so at the moment I don't need to care
> >about that problem...right?
> Yeah, this is only for hosting a shared folder between the Mac and PC. It
> is a VERY nice feature. Basically, you assign a folder on the Mac side,
> and that becomes a drive letter on the PC side... so anything in that
> folder is read/write accessable from both worlds. But it needs a driver
> installed on the PC before you can configure it. That driver is part of
> the PC half of the installer software (I'm not sure it is available on
> Apple's web site... if not, let me know, I'll send you an image of one of
> my disks... although, you SHOULD be able to use the PC drivers that come
> with the 1.6.4 version of the PC Setup software, and those I believe are
> on Apple's site).
> I would expect you to see the error you are seeing right now, as you
> can't assign a drive letter until AFTER the PC is up and running
> properly, and the driver is installed.
> I would check with the person that gave you the mac, see if they still
> have the video dongle. If they kept the old monitor, they may have left
> it connected to the monitor (I have seen that done a few times... people
> don't realize the dongle goes to the computer, they figure it is part of
> the monitor and try to keep it). If you can't find one, let me know...
> maybe I can pinout one of mine so you can build a new one (anyone have a
> suggestion on the best way to pinout an odd cable? Or am I just stuck
> using a continuity tester and going from pin to pin looking to see what
> connects where?)
> -chris
> <>
Received on Wed Mar 13 2002 - 15:22:24 GMT