Z80 BigBoard ID Needed

From: Douglas Quebbeman <dhquebbeman_at_theestopinalgroup.com>
Date: Sat Mar 16 15:57:09 2002

> > If California Digital is still in business, I believe the
> > boxed CP/M they were (are?) selling is for the Xerox 820...
> That is certainly possible, Doug. However, the one that they were
> selling a while back (for $9.95, IIRC) was for the Xerox 1800 terminal
> less "laptop". Whether it is directly compatible with the 810, I do not
> know.

This purchase was circa 1985...

But that's the right price... I'll just have to look at
the disks when I get home again...

Received on Sat Mar 16 2002 - 15:57:09 GMT

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