"Richard A. Cini, Jr." <rcini_at_optonline.net> said:
> I plan on playing with my old Model 1this weekend so that I can get the
> floppy drive working. Since I suffer from random bit-rot, can someone tell
> me which disk operating system shipped with the drive option? My system is a
> 48k Level II with the Percom controller and drive. I don't have any disks
> for it any more, but I was going to use the TRS81 emulator to create new
> disks for it.
Probably some version of TRS-DOS.
I would recommend getting hold of LDOS 5.3.1 which is available for free.
A much nicer operating system, I'm still using it on the emulator on the
Stan Barr stanb_at_dial.pipex.com
The future was never like this!
Received on Mon Mar 18 2002 - 03:33:49 GMT