List Management; Was Big African Grifters

From: Chad Fernandez <>
Date: Wed Mar 20 11:50:05 2002

Good Idea! I used to be on a list that did that, although, I think the
messages had to be "approved" by the list Admin. I woul think Jay could
set it up so that he didn't have to approve them.

Jay, what do you think?

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

Dan Wright wrote:
> Er, this might be a little late...but...
> There's been one really good suggestion made that everyone seems to have
> glossed over: put something like "[OL]" before any message coming from an
> un-subscribed address. That's all! You can make your e-mail client filter
> that! you can make procmail filter that! If any off-list message was simply
> MARKED, then each of us could deal with off-list stuff in our own way!
Received on Wed Mar 20 2002 - 11:50:05 GMT

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