> > I think Pete is right here. there was a wire you had to add if
> > you used a 4118 (or 6116) instead of the 2114s. I have to grab
> > the kit documentation to veryfy this.
> After checking the schematic I find that there is a link. "Use L1 for 1K
> RAM, use L2 for 2K RAM." This tells me that when a 4118 or two 2114s are
> used (or a 6116???) there is no need to change the jumper -- it's only
> required when using a 2KB 2016 or equivalent.
Well, my instruction reads that L1 has to be set as soon as you have
a 4118 (or the otehr way around, it is only to be left out if you have
two 2114). Please check also the scanned assembly instructions at the
ZX Team pages (English Version)
go to page 3, read the IMPORTANT paragraph
> > Digging thru my ZX Stuff I found an _original_ "ZX81 2-K RAM" Kit *G*
> > Well, it is at least original over here, since it has been sold by ISS,
> > the official distributor of ZX81 stuff in Germany.
> Wow -- did you ever use the kit?
Na, of course not - in fact, I got it at a time when the ZX was already
history to me ... BTW, have I already told the story that I build a
casher out of a ZX81 ?
> > The kit konsists of a 24 pin socket and a NEC D446C-2 RAM
> I'd guess this is the same as the 2016, and that you need to change the
> link to L2 for it to work.
Jep. As before, as soon as you have a single chip memory, you
needed the link.
VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen
Received on Tue Mar 26 2002 - 06:19:13 GMT