I know a little bit about the Intel iUP 201 and I have the User's Guide for it. I just got a 201, unfortunately it seems to be in very poor shape and isn't working. Actually there's two very similar machines, the iUP 200 and the iUP 201 but for the sake of simplification I'll just refer to them as a model 201. The differenece between an iUP 200 and an iUP 201 is that the 200 does not have the keyboard or display and it MUST be run from a computer. The 201 may be operated manually.
The 201s were made to be used on the Intel MDS (Microcomputer Developement System) machines such as the MDS-800, MDS-888 and MDS 225. The intel MDSs are also referred to as Intellecs. It's a reasonable guess that the 201 replaced the earlier Intel iUPP 103 EPROM programmer. The 103 programmer is listed in the 1978 and 1981 Intel catalogs and the iUP 201 is shown in the 1986 catalog. Strangly, neither one is shown in the 1983 catalog that I have. The 1986 catalog states that the 201 will run on the intellecs, the Intel iPDS systems, iNDS networks (networked intellec machines) or with IBM PC, XT, AT computers or compatibles. However my 201 user's manual has no instructions about how to connect or use one on anything other than an Intel machine. I've also asked friends of mine that used these when they were current and they all state that they've never heard of them being used on a PC.
An Intel iPDS is a Personal Developement System. It's basicly a portable computer that looks very much like an Osborne portable but it's used exclusively for developement work. It and all the other Intellecs and MDSs all run an operating system called ISIS. The iNDS runs a system called iNDX. The iPDSs had small pod like EPROM burners as an option and both they and the iUP 201 both use the same personality modules.
Here's a list of personality modules that I know of:
iUP-Fast 27/K for 2764, 2764a, 27128, 27256.
iUP-Fast 27/K with U1 upgrade kit for 2764, 2764a, 27128, 27256.
iUP-Fast 27/K with U2 upgrade kit for 2764, 2764a, 27128, 27256, 27c64, 27128a, 27512, 27513, 2817a, 87c64, 27c256 and 27916.
iUP-F27/128 for 2716, 2732, 2732a, 2764, 27128, 2815 and 2816.
iUP-F87/51A for 8748, 8748h, 8048, 8749h, 8048h, 8049, 8049h, 8050h, 8751, 8751h and 8051.
iUP-F87/44A for 8741a, 8041a, 8742, 8042, 8744a, 8044ah and 8755a.
Here's a list of manuals that you may want to try and find:
166041-001 iUP 200A/201A Universal Programmer User's Guide
166402-001 Getting Started with the iUP 200A/201A (for ISIS/iNDX Users).
166403-001 Getting Started with the iUP 200A/201A (for DOS Users).
164853 iUP 200A/201A Universal Programmer Pocket Reference
All of these were published by Intel.
Answers to Your Questions:
The manual states that the 201 automaticly adjusts itself during initialization the the host computer's serial baud rate (110 to 9600 baud). However it says nothing about the number of data bits, parity, etc. However IIRC the Intellecs use 7 bit ASCII so that's probably what it uses. BUT it uses a long parameter string and it's much to lengthy to describe by e-mail. It would probably be best if you contact me directly and I can see about getting the manual copied and sending it to you. There's also several pages in the 1986 catalog that describe the keyboard functions. I don't know if that's repeated in the manual so you may want to get a copy of it too.
At 08:26 AM 3/26/02 +0000, you wrote:
>Can someone help Hans-Werner?
>From: Hans-Werner.Ruch_at_t-online.de (Hans-Werner Ruch)
>Subject: Intel iUP-201: Can you please help me?
>Date sent: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 16:29:59 +0100
>I recently got one of the ancient Intel Eprom Programmer iUP-201
>together with a FAST27/K adaptor and RS-232 cable. It still works fine
>(operated manually). Now my idea is to connect the iUP to a PC to
>transfer data to/from it, but unfortunately I haven't got any
>documentation and so I neither know the necessary RS-232 parameters
>(baudrate, kind of parity, no. of stop bits), nor the commands
>(strings/bytes?) the iUP awaits.
>If you have some information or documentation on this subject, I would
>really appreciate if you could send it to me. Hints are also welcome.
>Hans-Werner Ruch
>Drlinger Str. 5 b
>82229 Seefeld
>Fax +49-(0)8152-980027
>Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
>International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
> * Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
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