The Future End of Classic Computing

From: James B. DiGriz <>
Date: Sat Mar 30 13:44:14 2002

R. D. Davis wrote:
> Quothe Doc, from writings of Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 09:12:23PM -0600:
>> If we don't all voice our opinions and share our *rational*,
>>*educated* viewpoint with these people, this bill could very well become
>>law. WRITE your representatives. EMAIL them. CALL them. Be nice. Be
>>reasonable. State your qualifications as well as your concerns. Speak
>>as an ally, not an enemy. BUT SPEAK!!!!
> Thomas Jefferson had a better idea about how to "communicate" with
> unreasonable politicians, who have no respect for their constituents,
> and it didn't involve being nice to the elected tax-hungry destroyers
> of liberty and freedom. Of course, this is something that Americans
> aren't supposed to think about, which is why the spooks are given more
> and more funding to watch over us.

Yes, well, tea-parties, tar-and-feathering events, and pistols-at-dawn
have fallen out of favor, unfortunately, along with fist-fights on the
floor of Congress.

There is no need to fawn. A disrespectful rant will probably be ignored,
but feel free to express your displeasure with this bill in the
strongest possible terms. If you intend to do everything in your power
to see to it that your Senator is not re-elected if they vote for it,
now is the best possible time to inform them.

> ...and, let's get that UUCP network ready just in case all this idiocy
> does become law, and stockpile more computers so that none of us will be
> dependent upon having to use any of the new mandated computers with
> the copy-protection rubbish built in.

UUCP has some security weaknesses that make it not the best choice for
plotting sedition. There's not anything you can do with it that you
can't do better with TCP/IP, and you'd need to anyway. Outside of
hobbyist use, UUCP may be useful as a back-up out-of-band comm channel,
but that's about it.

Oh, and I'm hip deep in computers already. :-)

Received on Sat Mar 30 2002 - 13:44:14 GMT

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