On Fri, 17 May 2002, Jay West wrote:
> Here's how it is currently handled. In the scenario that Sellam puts forth,
> no - the reply from someone on cctalk to a post that originated on cctech
> will NOT go back to cctech. You can't have it both ways people - either the
> people on cctech see posts on cctalk or they don't. The people who have
> joined cctech did so specifically because they DIDN'T want to see posts on
> cctalk. As a result, I'm sure not going to force them to see posts on
> cctalk. (more below)
The problem is that many relevant (and on-topic) replies will be missed by
those on CCTECH, thereby penalizing them for not wanting to see off-topic
I'd always envisioned that everyone would be subscribed to CCTECH,
and then anyone who wanted to start an off-topic thread or continue a
thread that has gone off-topic could move over to CCTALK to take it up
there. THOSE folks could subscribe to both lists so that they could have
a place to blab all they wanted.
That's what I thought this whole upgrade was about.
> Yes, it will work, but the responsibility is the choice of the list member,
> not mine. If one wants to see posts on both, they should join both lists.
> However, keep in mind that most people won't want to join both, they will
> only want one or the other. In the end, it's the users choice.
What's the point of CCTECH then?
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
* Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
Received on Fri May 17 2002 - 23:36:26 BST