VAX 11/780 powered up and going :-) only a little :-(

From: Don Maslin <>
Date: Sat May 18 14:26:56 2002

On Sat, 18 May 2002, Gunther Schadow wrote:

> Hi,
> finally I got around branching off a power line from my 220V 60A
> dedicated computer power circuit :-) I have all three phases of
> the VAX connected to a single 110 V phase.
> Matt, I fiddled with the fuses and found that I had to have F1 and
> F2 connected or else more than half of the outlets would habve no
> power. This whole power distribution and interlock system is still
> a mystery to me, does anyone have schematics for it? What worries
> me is that the key switch seems to have no effect whatsoever, it
> doesn't provide any more or less power, and throwing it from OFF
> to LOCAL doesn't effect any reboot attempt on the console system.
> Anyhow, I can get to the console and do some
> _at_140200G
> and indeed the RX01 starts klicking and up comes the console
> program. It tells me that the WCS and FPLA versions mismatch,
> (0E-xx vs 0F) but that isn't fatal, I gather.
> Then I did a TEST with the MIC diagnostics floppy and that
> runs through sections 01 to 07 and then has an error to
> report with module M8234 (PCS CPU PROM CONTROL STORE, as I
> gather.) The appropriate course of action would be to call
> DEC field service and replace the board, I guess. Too bad.
> I suppose the trick with replacing the M8234 will be the
> PCS version. I noted that if WCS and PCS versions mismatch,
> that would be a fatal error to begin with. That means it
> will be extremely hard to replace the PCS, or won't it?
> Could one do anything to repair that PCS? I suppose so, but
> not if one has no idea what's wrong with it. Any advice?
> Back in normal console mode, I tried to do a BOOT anyway,
> just to see if that PCS problem may be not that bad. But
> that's a no go, it comes up to a failure pretty quick. Could
> be that it's just because the default boot device isn't there,
> but it's too quick with the error.
> So, that will be a more difficult start then. But I guess I'm
> still lucky because at least I can get to the MIC diagnostics
> at all (poor Matt.) But of course one wonders what else might
> be broken?
> Is there a way to copy console floppies? I noticed some
> serious bit rott, as only one out of three standard console
> floppies actually worked. I guess it's about time to back
> up the good ones before they go too.

If you have a PC with the appropriate drive installed, get a copy
of AnaDisk and copy to your hearts content.

                                                 - don

> thanks
> -Gunther
> --
> Gunther Schadow, M.D., Ph.D.
> Medical Information Scientist Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
> Adjunct Assistant Professor Indiana University School of Medicine
> tel:1(317)630-7960
Received on Sat May 18 2002 - 14:26:56 BST

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