11/23+ Settings

From: Boris Gimbarzevsky <borisg_at_unixg.ubc.ca>
Date: Wed May 22 03:50:17 2002

I couldn't help noticing this paragraph:

>Do you have anywhere I can FTP it to?
>The full manual will be in the region
>of 200MB.

Rather than pdf, consider using DjVu; it's a LOT more compact (I recompressed some pages from the RT-11 Software support manual that I'd scanned a while ago with DjVu, and went from about 900 Kb/page to 30-40 Kb/page). Needless to say, I was very impressed.

The DjVu viewer plugin for various browsers if free, and a program which scans images to individual files is also free from http://www.djvu.com/. I first heard about DjVu on this list, and it is one of the neatest pieces of compression software that I've seen.

Boris Gimbarzevsky
Received on Wed May 22 2002 - 03:50:17 BST

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