>Rather than pdf, consider using DjVu; it's a
>LOT more compact (I recompressed some pages
>from the RT-11 Software support manual that
>I'd scanned a while ago with DjVu, and went
>from about 900 Kb/page to 30-40 Kb/page).
>Needless to say, I was very impressed.
900KB/page seems high. The scanner I use
produces LZW compressed TIFFs and wraps
them in PDF - that ends up in the 200-250KB/page
for US Letter size at 600dpi.
Getting to 30-40KB/page with *lossless* compression
would certainly be very impressive.
However, it's taken pdf quite a while to become
the defacto standard. I doubt that it will lose
that mantle until something else comes along with
(at the very least) an openly published spec.
Anyway, I use PDF because that's what the
scanner gives me. If someone wants to convert
to some other format, that's absolutely fine
by me.
>The DjVu viewer plugin for various browsers if free, and a program which scans images to individual files is >also free from http://www.djvu.com/. I first heard about DjVu on this list, and it is one of the neatest
>pieces of compression software that I've seen.
Thanks for the pointer - I'll try to give it
a go sometime soon. Is the compression lossless
(I took a quick look at their pages and could
not tell). Is the format published i.e. could
I write my own viewer. I don't think I would want
to, but I'd be much happier if I knew I could
if I absolutely had to (I didn't see any OpenVMS
support on their pages ...)
Received on Wed May 22 2002 - 07:07:21 BST