At 21:45 12/05/2002, you wrote:
>I've also never seen any form of touchscreen for them. Does one exist,
>and if so, how does it work (IR beams?)
Assuming it was a touch screen (not that I recall being able to use one's
finger on it, but see "flakey memory" disclaimer above...), I do remember a
fine silk mesh over the screen. Now, it's possible that was just a
primative anti-glare device, as I honestly don't remember whether there
were or were not any wires leading from it.
However, the end of the pen (again, I can't remember if it had a cord on it
or not. I presume it did, but I honestly can't remember) was quite
definitely a rubbery substance; I doubt it was any good at picking up
light, unless it used some technique to sense the scanning beams that I am
not aware of.
Cheers, Ade.
Be where it's at, B-Racing!
Received on Sun May 12 2002 - 18:09:48 BST