From: chris <>
Date: Fri Nov 1 14:08:00 2002

>Question: when you find a good software package on a +AD4-7
>year old Mac, is it easy, hard, or completely impossible
>to add said software to another Mac that you have.
>This assumes a working network for starters.

Most software on the mac is VERY easy to copy from one mac to another. In
many cases, all you need to do is copy the folder the application is in
to the other mac, and you are done. Everything is contained in that one
folder. That is normal Mac behavior.

Some applications have support extensions however. In those cases, you
will need to also locate the appropriate files from the System folder.
(usually in the Extension folder, but depending on the purpose, may be in
the Control Panels folder, or elsewhere in the System folder... ie:
Claris applications make their own folder called "Claris" and stick most
of their support files in there).

If in doubt on what may need to be moved, feel free to ask, I might be
able to tell you if there are any additional files and where to locate

Received on Fri Nov 01 2002 - 14:08:00 GMT

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