OT perhaps? Old vs New Internet (was Re: BBSs & PPP)
On Sun, 3 Nov 2002, Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner wrote:
> I do remember using archie to locate programs available via FTP, and even
> pulling one or two packages off Usenet but nowadays I find most of the
> software on the web (via Google). Also, using FTP is a pain in these days
> of firewalls and NATing (try, just try, FTPing a file between two systems,
> each behind a firewall. Can you say ``futility?'')
s/a firewall/a poorly-administered MS firewall/
I move files (by both FTP and scp) regularly between very tightly
firewalled networks. If the Network/Firewall Dude has any clue at all,
it's simple to enable even active FTP transactions.
NetMeeting is much more of a challenge. The MS setup demands random
ports between 1024 and 65536, with *no* facility to limit the range....
Received on Sun Nov 03 2002 - 13:30:01 GMT
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