On Sat, 2 Nov 2002, Patrick Finnegan wrote:
> I managed to pick up a COMDYNA GP-6 analog computer a couple days ago out
> at University Salvage. I initially bought it for its nixie tubes, not
> knowing what it was, and then was a bit dissatisfied with the fact that
> they were not in great shape.
> After taking a few seconds to look at it and try to determine what is was
> with all the banana jacks on the front, I thought "Hmm, it adds and
> multiplies... google says 'Analog computer'... Wahooo!!"
More info about the one I have - looks to be an early model - with nixie
tubes intead of the modern LED voltmeter. Also, the problem with the
display tubes went away when I reseated the display cards in their
After playing with this little guy, I'm suprised at how stable the
components are - when I'm not touching anything, there's basicall NO
jitter on the display. It looks like some component values have
deteoriated or drifted a bit, but seems in nearly excellent shape. I'm
about to go out to RatShack so I can get some more banana plugs and
create some more patch cables (assuming that they still sell those...)
One last thing - does anyone have an idea of what the "SW" and "OP" jacks
at the bottom of the front panel are, and how to use the multipliers? I
can't quite seem to get them to 'multiply'...
Thanks for any info
Purdue Universtiy ITAP/RCS
Information Technology at Purdue
Research Computing and Storage
Received on Sun Nov 03 2002 - 13:59:00 GMT