Value of classic computers (was Re: Whats wrong with chip collecting?)
On Sun, 17 Nov 2002, R. D. Davis wrote:
> Ah yes, the arguments between the sensible who rightly claim that these
> machines are not to be valued monetarily but in hack value by those who
> will trade them and give them away versus those [#&*_at_#%@*!] who collect
> them not for the fun of hacking on them, but for expected monetary
> rewards if, or when, the value increases over time.
I _very recently_ had the unfortunate experience in having to deal with a
"collector" who seems to fit your description of the second group. I
invited the "collector" along on a rescue of a fair number of systems,
with a prior understanding that I'd get first pick, but he showed up
unannounced (didn't call ahead) and early (he got there before I had
planned to be there), and ended up snatching most of the usable hardware
out from under me. The stuff he took included a number of systems and
parts which I had intended to put to immediate use, as well some stuff
that I had intended to pass on to some other people, including some other
list members.
As it turned out, I more or less got the scrap and seconds, which really
isn't the kind of hardware one can immediately put to use. In the end,
that "collector" will be the one who looses out though, as I will not
again ever even consider sending him to someone who has hardware they want
to give to a good home, nor will I inform him of or invite him along on
any future equipment rescues.
The "collector" later had the audacity to complain to the person who gave
away the equipment that I got "all the good stuff", and that I got some of
the systems that he had wanted. That "collector" more or less wanted
everything to himself, and didn't care if he had to step on toes to get
I also cannot believe that this is the first time that "collector" has
pulled that stunt, as he had it very well rehearsed, and managed to trick
even me...just long enough for him to get even more of the equipment he
What really burns me, is that I had been working on arranging this rescue
since June. The list members who emailed me privately back then about some
of that gear will know exactly what I'm talking about. I really wish it
had turned out better...
> The later will result in the eventual destruction, or ensured
> uselessness, of compters, which will end up being stored away, unused,
> never modified and never repaired if they are used and cease to
> function, typically wasting away in some storage area somewhere waiting
> for the next auction.
Sadly, In my experience, this is indeed usually the outcome of collecting
hardware for expected monetary increase. The type of hardware the typical
hardware hacker prefers is often considered junk by folks who don't use
these older computers, so much of it is likely to either be dumped, or
sold to a scrap dealer if it is ever auctioned off in bulk.
I have a few systems in various states of repair which are worth a
considerable sum, but I don't think I'd ever be able to force myself to
give or sell them to a "collector" who would not actually use them.
Received on Mon Nov 18 2002 - 13:59:00 GMT
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