Use a courier or "hotshot" service. Save yourself some effort and
chiropractic fees....
I use a courier service to move my arcade games around. It costs me $25 to
have a guy in an enclosed liftgate-equipped truck go to the trucking
terminal (about 15 miles away), load up the 350 lb. crate, bring it to my
house, and drop it off in my garage.
I imagine that you may be able to find a service near you that does the
same. It's cheaper than injuring yourself (potentially), and they are
better equipped to make moves like this.
Just a thought - might save you some trouble.....
(and your back) : )
- Matt
At 01:11 PM 11/18/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>I just got a VAX 6000. More details on the system itself will come later.
>Right now, I need to move it the short distance from its warehouse it my
>garage. I will probably do this tomorrow. I want to run my logistics plan by
>the list and see if there are any problems.
>Basically, my idea is to borrow my parents' utility trailer, throw an old
>mattress (which I have) in it, lay the VAX on its side on top of the
>mattress, and tie down. 3.5 miles later, we'll slide the VAX off and push it
>upright. Repeat the process to get the other cabinet.
>My only concern ATM is laying the VAX on its side. That won't damage the
>enclosure, will it?
>Jeffrey Sharp
Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066
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