At the Uni Surplus today, I spotted a lonely DEC 3000-300 with monitor
and cables marked $35. It was more than I wanted to spend on it, but
I hauled it over to the test table and plugged it all in. The monitor
isn't stable, but it did go through its power-on tests, all the way
to the "lazy sergant" prompt (>>>). It has 112MB of RAM and a 100MHz
CPU. I was about to put it back when the Surplus manager apologized
and said that she'd been meaning to mark it down. "$10 and it's yours,"
so now it's mine.
Didn't take the time to boot it up. Figure it has Digital UNIX or
OSF/1 on it. Got the keyboard. Needs a mouse.
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Received on Tue Oct 01 2002 - 14:02:00 BST