One thing I really regret is that I bought all of the parts to build an Elf
back when the Popular Electronics articles came out (I was only twelve at
the time) but never actually finished building it because someone my father
worked with gave me a KIM-1 that he no longer needed and it was more
interesting to use an already working computer than try to build one. I
kept all of the parts and the articles until I returned home from college
and then, gasp, threw them out. I really wish I still had them now so I
could build the Elf that I never finished. I guess I should just acquire
some 1802 chips and finish the job now.
I also regret trading in the KIM-1 along with a 8KB ram board and a SWTP
terminal that I built from a kit a year or two later for credit toward an
Apple II+ when they were brand new.
The mistakes of youth...
>From: "Jim Kearney" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: Attention 1802 fans...
>Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 11:05:14 -0400
>I recently built an Elf, BTW: It's not going
>into space anytime soon.
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Received on Tue Oct 01 2002 - 13:43:01 BST