Mistakes of youth (Was: Attention 1802 fans...)

From: Christopher McNabb <cmcnabb_at_4mcnabb.net>
Date: Tue Oct 1 14:26:01 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glen Slick" <glenslick_at_hotmail.com>
> I
> kept all of the parts and the articles until I returned home from college
> and then, gasp, threw them out. I really wish I still had them now so I
> could build the Elf that I never finished. I guess I should just acquire
> some 1802 chips and finish the job now.
> I also regret trading in the KIM-1 along with a 8KB ram board and a SWTP
> terminal that I built from a kit a year or two later for credit toward an
> Apple II+ when they were brand new.

I once bought a complete, working Imsai 8008 at a pawn shop for fifty bucks.
This would have been about 1987, and the deal included the computer, a
terminal, and a dual 8" floppy drive. I used it for a couple of years until
I got out of the navy. Deciding that it was too heavy to truck across the
country, I gave it away. I really wish I hadn't done that, since I later
found out that the guy I gave it to sold it to a scrapper for about 5
Received on Tue Oct 01 2002 - 14:26:01 BST

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