Parts for Teletype ASR35 needed

From: Dwight K. Elvey <>
Date: Mon Oct 14 13:12:09 2002

>From: Stefan <>
>I have here a half working Teletype ASR35. I am missing some parts, namely
>the plastic hood, manuals and some lightbulbs. Also the ASR35 isn't
>working properly, I am missing half of the keyboard sorta speak, you can
>type uptil the letter H or so and then if you continue it starts with the A
>So any help with that is also welcome.

 I've only fiddle with my ASR33. You need to find out what
is wrong first.
 As an example, my ASR33 takes the output of the keyboard
and passes that to the distributor at the back of the machine
to serialize. The parallel output of the keyboard depends
on a bunch of switches that are located at the side of the
keyboard. These switches are exposed to all the gunk that
usually floats around in a teletype. I'm sure you may find
that one of the switches is dirty and just needs cleaning.
 Until the signal is serialized, the problem can be anywhere
from the switch on the keyboard to the brush on the distributor.
This includes the connectors. Some tracing with an ohm meter
( power off ) will most likely find the problem.
Received on Mon Oct 14 2002 - 13:12:09 BST

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