The HP 10269B/C General Purpose Probe Interface is just a physical
interconnect between the pods and various probes. The B version is for the
old style HP 1630 pods. The C version is for the HP 1650 all the way
through current style pods.
I think the 10342B just buffers the HP-IB signals and I think you could use
the config and IA files just without the probe. For the RS-232/449 signals
it uses a dual UART (I forget which one) plus the Z-80. I assume the Z-80
is there just to configure the UART. Some day I'll dump the eprom on the
probe just to see what it actually does.
I have a manual and the config and IA files for the 10342B. If there isn't
a scanned copy of the manual on the web I should send a copy of the manual
to someone who can scan the manual and make it available on the web.
I also have a 10314B 80386 proble which mates with a 10269B/C and it has a
bunch of active electronics. I don't have config or IA files for it. Does
anyone else? Not that I have a real need for it nor do I have any 80386
systems (at least not at the moment.)
The HP 10277 might just be a physical interconnect to your own custom
interfaces, if I correctly remember what that thing is.
>From: Joe <>
>Subject: Logic Analyzer pods Re: HP LA Inverse Assemblers for classic
>Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 13:26:25
> I dug around this morning and found two logic analyzer pods/CPU
>adapters. These are boxs that you plug the pod of the logic analyzer pods
>directly into and they usually have a cable that plugs into the CPU socket
>of the UUT. When using these you don't use the flying wire leads and
> One is the HP 10342B Bus Preprocessor in the HP 10269B General Purpose
>Probe Interface. This is for the HP 1630 and 1631 series LAs. This
>particular preprocessor is used for monitoring RS-449, RS-232 or HP-IB
>busses and acquiring data directly from the bus. You can replace the Bus
>Preprocessor with various CPU adapters. I opened both of these up and the
>10269 doesn't have any parts in it other than cables, PC boards and various
>connectors. However the Bus Preprocessor is full of ICs, including a Z-80
> The other logic analyzer pods/CPU adapter is a HP 10277 and is for the
>HP 1610 sereis LAs. It's a single unit and it doesn't have any active parts
>in it. However it has connectors for ribbon cables to connect the the test
>bewing tested and I don't have the cables so it's POSSIBLE that there may
>be some active parts in the cable or something attached to the other end of
> Joe
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