Obsolecence (Was RE: OT: PC Motherboard with a vacuum tube)

From: Doc Shipley <doc_at_mdrconsult.com>
Date: Mon Sep 9 10:21:00 2002

On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Doc Shipley wrote:

> I gotta say that "functional" is a relative term here. I won't argue
> that "the producers" are pushing HARD for an inherently copy-unfriendly
> format. However, if DVD weren't so very much easier to use, store,
> ship, maintain, and produce -- let alone harder to ruin -- users,
> vendors and rental shops would not be flocking to DVD. VHS cassettes &
> players have always been a big, huge, clunky, temperamental-and-easily-
> borked, slow-to-set-up PITA. DVD are none of those things.

  I hereby crown myself King of the Unreadable Paragraph.

Received on Mon Sep 09 2002 - 10:21:00 BST

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