Televideo 912C and General DataComm Gen Net Terminal Server

From: Justin Frim <>
Date: Sat Sep 21 20:49:00 2002

Since we're talking about Televideo terminals here, I think I'll pipe up with my situation.

I have a Televideo TS-800A workstation, wihch IIRC is basically a TVI-950 with a daughterboard containing
a Z-80 CPU and an RS-422 serial interface for a floppy disk. Apparently this "dumb terminal" could also
run CP/M for some basic tasks.(?)

Unfortunately, I too do not have the manuals for it. It's been a while since I played with it, but I
think I was able to set the serial line parameters (baud rate, word length, parity, stop bits). I
remember connecting it to the RS-232 port on the back of a PC running a VT-100 emulator and I was able to
type text across both ways.

Does anyone here know where I can find some documentation on this terminal (setup, escape sequences, etc)
so I can do more than just type "hello world" on this thing? I'd also like to try out the Z-80
daughterboard, but I don't know if I need to first find an RS-422 floppy disk drive, or if the terminal
can download it's bootstrap code and OS right off the serial cable.


2002-09-17 12:48:12, Paul Williams <> wrote:

>John Reynolds wrote:
>> I have a Televideo 912C and a General DataComm Gen Net Terminal
>> Server. I want to make these two machines talk to each other.
>> Can anyone give me information on operating these machines, or point
>> me in the right direction?
>If you give Google the name of the terminal and tell it you're feeling
>lucky, you will be.
>TeleVideo Operator's Reference Handbook
>TVI-912B and TVI-920B
>TVI-912C and TVI-920C
> (PDF only, at the moment)
>Sorry, I know nothing about the terminal server. Have you tried changing
>the baud rate on the terminal?
>- Paul
Received on Sat Sep 21 2002 - 20:49:00 BST

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