Gernsback Publishing closing

From: James E. LaBarre <>
Date: Tue Apr 1 15:07:01 2003

Cini, Richard wrote:
> I just got my latest copy of Nuts & Volts last night and to my
> surprise, there's a note from Larry Steckler of Gernsback, the publisher of
> Radio-Electronics and Popular Electronics (merged into Poptronics). He says
> in the note that Gernsback Publishing is closing after 94 years and N&V will
> be fulfilling the balance of the subscriptions.

So the last remnant of the first Science-Fiction magazine publisher is
closing down (for those of you that don't know, the annual SF awards
given at the World SF convention is called the Hugo, after Hugo Gernsback).
Received on Tue Apr 01 2003 - 15:07:01 BST

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