Hi, I've found this
searching for technical specs about the expansion ports of the PPC640.
In it you write "I have both the (software) technical manual and the service
Can you please look at the manuals, for the pinout of expansion ports A anc B?
My interest is about this statement:
"2) The PPC has an expansion bus which can be turned into normal
PC-compatible (8 bit) slots, so you can have an external display adapter"
The expansion bus is the ISA-8bit bus? Can I use it (rewiring it) for connect
a ISA card?
TIA, and sorry for my English. ^_^;
The disadvantage of working over networks is that you can't so easily go into
someone else's office and rip their bloody heart out. (Jim McDonald)
Received on Mon Apr 14 2003 - 12:56:44 BST