New finds: documentation

From: Patrick Finnegan <>
Date: Wed Apr 16 13:55:01 2003

Just picked these up today, "helping to clean out" a room in my department
at Purdue. I now have a small VAX/VMS Orange Wall:

- Basic User's Manual
- Basic Reference Guide
- System Manager's manual Volumes 1-6
- Guide to VAX/VMS Disk and Magnetic Tape Operations

- 8" Floppy:
  "AS-1T215G-DE 071812
   (C)1981,84 Digital Equipment Corporation"
  -- has a sticker with the number "18" on it.

- "Introduction to the PDP-11/80
   Resource Sharing Timesharing System/Extended (RSTS/E)
   G.F. Wyncott
   William I. Bormann"
  106 pages.
  -- George Wyncott still works here, and does software licensing for
   Purdue. Marked "W0 RSTS (3/86)" - presumably from March 1986?

- "RSTS/E Device Requests" by Jeffrey L. Clark, "(11/79) W0-DEVICE".
  19 pages.

I'm hoping to get time to scan the last two documents, which are
interesting to read, and possibly somewhat helpful to RSTS/E people.
Also, they don't have Copyrights on them, so I'll try to get them posted
to my website.

If anyone is interested in a copy of anything here, let me know off-list.

Purdue University ITAP/RCS
Information Technology at Purdue
Research Computing and Storage
Received on Wed Apr 16 2003 - 13:55:01 BST

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