>I've had one these since I was a kid, but I've never seen the rifle
>or the boxed games before.
I've never seen boxed games, but then A: I was pretty young when I used
to play with mine, (and I believe it predates me in existance), and B: I
have a feeling mine was never obtained via the market, but rather as a
test item directly from Magnavox, so it may never have been complete with
market packaging (I know I have a white labeled box that the system and
controllers and stuff goes in, I'm assuming that was standard packaging).
As for the rifle. I don't remember everything it was used for, but I know
I LOVED the haunted house game that used it. There was a haunted house
overlay, and basically "ghosts" appeared at various windows and doors and
you had to shoot them. (IIRC, the ghosts were nothing more than white
blocks, but hey, for early 70's that kicked ass!)
Received on Sun Apr 20 2003 - 14:44:01 BST