On Thursday, April 24, 2003, Mike wrote:
> > --- Mike <ipscone_at_msdsite.com> wrote:
> > > On items were there is a fixed supply, like antiques and collectibles,
> > > the only side of the equation that can increase is demand.
> >
> > Wrong, the "available" supply has also increased on many fixed supply
> > collectibles.
> Only by an insignificant amount. If only 10,000 of an item was ever
> produced, the supply can't exceed that
The significance really depends. If the total produced is a low number,
say, below 1K, you are very correct. But if the total produced is more like
10K or 100K, there's a lot of room for that availability figure to vary. If
everyone but a few people are holding on to their items, it doesn't really
matter how many were produced at all; the items are still hard to acquire
and thus the value goes up.
Jeffrey Sharp
Received on Sun Apr 27 2003 - 14:58:00 BST