IBM History site

From: <(>
Date: Sat Aug 9 18:43:00 2003

On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, Fred Cisin wrote:

> > Whilst Browsing - ran across this fascinating - and well designed! -
> > professionally produced by an advertising agency group of pages on
> > IBM's site. Includes a whole section on "IBM Dress" rather
> > tongue-in-cheekingly called 'The Way We Wore'...
> >
> THAT part is at:
> Ah, yes. IBM, where they "value diversity"
> Go through "The Way We Wore", where they insist that the IBM clothing
> has NEVER been "uniform", and count (except for the last CONTRIVED and
> POSED shot in 1997) how many men you see who are NOT wearing a white
> shirt, necktie, and suit. IBM has ALWAYS been well known for their
> suppression of individuality, and their racial and cultural tokenism.

The majority of the engineering staff was non-European through most of my
Dad's career in his dept.

Peace... Sridhar
Received on Sat Aug 09 2003 - 18:43:00 BST

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