FA: Altera PLD programmer, Motorola HYPERmodules and IBM PC Professional Debug

From: ben franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Fri Aug 15 18:19:00 2003

Fred Cisin wrote:

> But, on your DOS 1.1, ...
> TRUST ME. When the PC came out (August 1981), 1.0 was all that was
> available. When 1.1 was ready, IBM tried hard to forget about 1.0.
> Those of us who were using PCs were VERY glad to see the release of 1.1.
> Neverthless, 1.0 existed, and was ALL that was available for half a year.
> 1.1 added support for double sided drives, and much more of it worked.

Did anybody ever run just BASIC from Rom, no DOS at all. Did they ever
sell PC's with just single sided drives? Lets face it the only thing
good at that time on it was the keyboard and mono-display and warranty.
Received on Fri Aug 15 2003 - 18:19:00 BST

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