BBB (Was: WS-FTP and the AssHoles at Ipswitch

From: Fred Cisin <>
Date: Thu Aug 28 16:15:01 2003

> > That's a good start. You should also file a complaint with the BBB
> > (Better Business Bureau). Finally, for a good FTP client from a good
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 wrote:
> I don't know about your neck of the woods, Sellam, but here in Central Florida
> where Joe and I live the BBB is little more than a shakedown for small
> businesses. Each time they call me to solicit a membership and I tell them
> that I'm not interested, they close the conversation by stating that "there
> have been recent inquiries concerning your company" and "we'll get back to
> those who inquired and let them know that you're not a member in good
> standing and that you refused to provide us with information regarding your
> business."

The same identical thing happened to me in 1978 in Berkeley, CA.
But they started with the threats BEFORE I had made my decision.

After a few times, I wrote to the state attorney general.
I got back a form letter that said that unless there was
direct evidence of a crime, that they wouldn't get involved,
and that if I had a problem with any business, (other than a
readily provable crime), that I should instead consider filing
a complaint with the BBB.

As to who DOES join,...
Remember Chris Farley's comments about displaying a warranty,
in the movie where he was peddling auto parts.
Received on Thu Aug 28 2003 - 16:15:01 BST

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