How do you bring up a MicroVax 2000?

From: Joe <>
Date: Thu Aug 28 20:32:08 2003

At 12:14 AM 8/29/03 +0200, you wrote:
>Perhaps is a problem of the cable and terminal you are using.
>I have one DEC cable with MMJ connector, and use one VT-102
>or one Compaq Portable with Kermit using VT-102 emulation to connect
>with the Microvax 2000.
>Just curious... Do you have in the back of the Microvax one Box with
>three MMJ connectors ? This is neccesary to connect with one Serial
>Terminal (someone correct me if this is a mistake)

  I don't have the box with the three MMJ connectors. I don't THINK it's
necessary. I think you can use the J10 connector and a regular RS-232
cable. At least that's my understanding based on what I read at
<>. And I am getting
something on the terminal.


>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joe" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:02 PM
>Subject: How do you bring up a MicroVax 2000?
>> What baud rate, parity, data bits do you use for these and do you need
>> press any certain key to get the system to recognize the terminal? I have
>> two of these. I tried to bring them up today. The closest setting that
>> seemed to work was 9600 Baud, 8N1. But all I could get on the display was
>> '||PPPP'. I got exactly the same from both CPUs.
>> Joe
Received on Thu Aug 28 2003 - 20:32:08 BST

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