HP2000 and old archive stuff NOT on 9-track (apple2 transfer??)??

From: Bob Brown <bbrown_at_harpercollege.edu>
Date: Fri Dec 12 07:44:26 2003

Ok...I'm looking into the ADT route using apple oasis.

It looks like the 'Apple II disk manager' is the portion of apple ][ oasis
that I'd use to pull the text files out of my apple disk images and into
windows (for porting to hp200), is that right?

I'm a bit lost in the apple II disk manager interface. There is reference
to 'associations' and conversions.

If I drill down in the file manager portion of the screen to a DSK image,
and see a file that I want to pull into windows, how do I do it?



On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Patrick Finnegan wrote:
> > There's a command you can use in Applesoft Basic to redirect console I/O
> > to a card in one of its slots - eg, the Super-Serial card. I don't
> > know what it is, and can't find a refernce to it using google. Does
> > someone else on the list remember how to do this?
> To "turn on" the serial card:
> PR#2
> Then to get into its (crappy) command interpreter press CTRL-A.
> Apparently no one has thought to scan in the command documentation for the
> SSC (probably because no one ever really used it). I can't find a copy
> online. But anyway, you don't want to go that route since you'll still
> need to write some software to send your files over the serial port.
> Another option is ADT:
> http://www.callapple.org/magazine/2002may/ADT.pdf
> It transfers whole disk images to a PC over the serial port. I've used it
> before and it is excellent. You'll then need to use an emulator such as
> Apple ][ Oasis:
> http://www.geocities.com/apl24win/index.html
> ...which supports extracting individual files from Apple ][ disk images.
> It would probably be as efficient (perhaps if not more so) than
> transfering individual files over a serial port (after you get the right
> terminal software on each side).
> --
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
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Received on Fri Dec 12 2003 - 07:44:26 GMT

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