At 03:15 PM 18/12/2003, you wrote:
>Hi Bill,
> It's always good to hear from the original designers of this stuff.
>Thanks for taking time to write. A friend of mine picked up a Basic Four
>just a couple of years ago. It was still in service (accounting) up till
>the time they gave it to him. They're good solid machines but you could
>anchor a battleship with one! Mike Haas in Brunswick still has one. I'll
>forward your message to him.
> Joe
We have the remains of one in storage for our local science
center, but it is in sad shape.I think someone dismantled it with a dull axe.
Charlie Fox
Charles E. Fox Video Production
793 Argyle Rd.
Windsor Ontario Canada N8Y 3J8
Check out the "Camcorder Kindergarten"
Received on Thu Dec 18 2003 - 16:29:50 GMT