Jules Richardson wrote:
> I would like to get one of the metal ones sometime just to complete the
> collection a little. I've never even seen one to be honest, just the
> plastic variety.
That's not surprising, as the metal ones were a stop-gap measure. I have
a metal one (but only one, sorry). Our two at school were metal, but RML
were just a few miles away!
> That latter document might be useful and is on Paul's site -
> http://vt100.net/rm/docs/pn10971.pdf
> However, a) it's a web document, b) it's in PDF format and c) it's 30MB
> so I'm not sure what your chances are of being able to get it and read
> it! It's 190 pages or I'd print it out and post a copy if it looked like
> it contained relevant stuff.
It doesn't contain the source listing, but it is a thumping good read,
with details of EMT instructions, RML's CALR "instruction" for writing
PIC on the Z80, and the front panel details.
> I just downloaded it but PDF rendering is slow as hell on this computer
> so I'll look at it on a different machine tomorrow.
You have Acrobat Reader for Linux, haven't you? I struggled along with
xpdf for a bit, but it crawls along when dealing with scans.
Received on Thu Dec 18 2003 - 16:45:40 GMT