looking for: Option Board, Trackstar, Turnover Card or similars

From: Fred Cisin <cisin_at_xenosoft.com>
Date: Sat Dec 20 16:56:44 2003

On Sat, 20 Dec 2003, Teo Zenios wrote:
> I think the original option board only supports 2 360K floppy drives, while
> the deluxe supports 2 360KB, 720KB, 1.2MB, or 1.44MB drives (probably a bios
> problem on the board).
> Apple II disks would be 5.25 SD or DD so either board should work?

Apple ][ disks were GCR, with a flux density roughly comparable
to regular 5.25" FM (SD) GCR gave an increase of almost 50% in capacity.

The Deluxe board was capable of a much wider range of data transfer rates.

Grumpy Ol' Fred     		cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Sat Dec 20 2003 - 16:56:44 GMT

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