I'd agree with the guess its actually an M-series!
Jay West wrote:
>I looked a while ago at the HP 21MX E series on ebay. Just now happened to
>come across it again at
>The unit says 21MX-E on the front, and also clearly says "E series
>computer". However, the tag on the back says 2112A, which was an M series
>machine. Odd. But further still... the keyswitch has positions operate,
>standby, R, and lock. This was indicative of M series machines I thought.
>True enough, M series were often upgraded to E series via a motherboard
>upgrade. But the rotary key switch is obviously still connected. And from
>what I've seen, M series upgraded to E they generally didn't take the time
>to upgrade the front panel silkscreen.
>I'm betting it's an M series. Or maybe an M that was very completely
>upgraded to an E. Anyone have thoughts on this?
>Jay West
Received on Sat Dec 20 2003 - 17:21:36 GMT