> On Jan 30, 20:44, Eric Chomko wrote:
> >
> > Please add to the list your personal experience of computers sales.
> > If you didn't sell it don't add it.
Sold: (multiples of)
MicroPDP 11/23, 53 & 73 (RT/11 & MicroRSX)
MicroVAX 2000 (all VAXen are VMS)
VAX 11/750
VAX 3100-xx (10 to 96) & VAXstation 3100 & 4000VLC
VAX 4000-100 & 105a
VAX 4000-200
VAX 4000-500 (including the one that's now in the collection)
VAX 6640
VAX 7720
VAX 8500
VAX 8550
Multia (one of which I got back recently)
Alpha AXP 150 (WindowsNT)
Alpha 2000-300 (Unix)
Alpha 3000-300LX
Alpha 3000-400 & 600
Alpha 4710 & 4720
Alpha 2100 (sable)
Alpha 2000 (demi-sable)
Alpha 4000 (rawhide, plus all of the below are either VMS or Unix. I sold
ONE 4000 running NT :o))
Alpha 4100
Alpha DS10
Alpha DS20 (including the massively undersold Oracle RAC)
Alpha ES40
Alpha GS40 (only the 1, but what the hell; I built and installed it too)
Alpha ES45
Worked on: (apart from the machines above, which I installed most of too
apart from the Big Iron)
PDP 11/03 (they only binned it last year without telling me :( It was the
'baby' 03)
PDP 11/23 (RSX 4.4)
PDP 11/44 (RSX 4.4)
VAX 11/730
VAX 11/750
Many other VAXen and Alphas that I can't remember - 16 years is a long time
to work for a VAR!
Alpha 4000 'white boxes' that were crippled to only run NT, 2 of which I've
been told I can have for the museum as long as I go and get them!
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the online computer museum
www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk - monthly gothic shenanigans
Received on Sun Feb 02 2003 - 11:18:51 GMT