FW from Usenet: S-100 modem wanted

From: Bruce Lane <kyrrin_at_bluefeathertech.com>
Date: Mon Feb 3 13:50:00 2003

        Perhaps someone on the list can help this fellow? Found in one of the ham radio groups on Usenet.

        Please respond directly to the original message author. I am not them. They are not me. I'm one of The Other Guys instead. ;-)


From: "Alan" <adiaz224_at_earthlink.net>
Newsgroups: alt.ham-radio.marketplace, rec.ham-radio.swap, rec.radio.amateur.boatanchors, rec.radio.amateur.equipment, rec.radio.amateur.homebrew
Subject: WTB: 300 BAUD S-100 bus modem

I'm looking for any brand of S-100 bus modem, circa 1970'ish. If you have
one, send me an email. Thanks. Alan

Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies -- http://www.bluefeathertech.com
ARS KC7GR (Formerly WD6EOS) since 12-77 -- kyrrin_at_bluefeathertech.com
"I'll get a life when someone demonstrates that it would be superior
to what I have now..." (Taki Kogoma, aka Gym Z. Quirk)
Received on Mon Feb 03 2003 - 13:50:00 GMT

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