This weekend I decided to start the process of building and making work my
PDP-11/34 (upgraded to 34a). Most of my CC activity will have to occur on
the weekends, because my job is quickly ballooning to nearly fill up each
day. Not that I mind; my job is fun. Now before you can get that "I told you
so" off your lips, I will have you know that I *still* have more time than
when in college for playing with my toys. Weekends are better than nothing.
The first thing was to get access to the machine. Ouch, but success. Next, I
made an inventory list of all the cards in the machine. I'll paste it at the
bottom of this mail. Next, I downloaded and started reading some manuals,
including 11/34 UG, BA11-K UG, BA11-K FMPS. There are a lot of pages there,
and I want to read them before doing too much more, so I'll print them out
and take them to work for some lunchtime entertainment.
Another thing I decided was that I needed to mount this thing in a rack
before I do too much more with it. Mainly, I need to get to the underside
easily. I tried to harvest some rails from the rusty 11/70 carcass in the
garage. After some work, I was able to get the BA11-K in the carcass to
slide out, but it was too stuck to get off of its rails. I couldn't tilt it
up, either, because one of the releases wouldn't budge. I decided to take
the entire thing off, rails and all, and remove the rails later. I also
decided to get a friend to help, just in case. Unfortunately, my friend is
sick this weekend, so I couldn't do much more.
I did fire up the compressor and blow air into the machine and into the
LA120 I have nearby. I think I'll play with the LA120 a little and see what
condition it is in.
Next weekend, I hope to get the 11/34 mounted in the H960 rack, read the
manuals, and document jumper settings on the various boards.
09 M9202------------------ G727A------
== |||||||||||||||||||||||
11 ----------------------- G727A------
12 M7850------------------ G727A------
17 G727A------
== |||||||||||||||||||||||
M8265 KD11-EA data paths module (replaces M7265) (11/34A)
M8266 KD11-EA control module (replaces M7266) (11/34A)
M7254 RK11-D RK05 status control module
M7255 RK11-D RK05 disk control module
M7256 RK11-D RK05 registers module
M7257 RK11-D RK05 bus control module
M7819 DZ11-A 8-line async EIA mux, 50-96K, modem control
M7847-CD MS11-FP 8-Kword 18-bit MOS RAM
M7847-xJ (7) MS11-JP 16-Kword 18-bit MOS RAM
M7850 (2) MM11-CP parity board for G651, MS11-EP/FP/HP/JP
M7856 (2) DL11-W RS-232 SLU & realtime clock option
M7859 KY11-LB console interface; programmer's console (11/34a)
G727A (4) Grant continuity card
M920 UNIBUS connector
M9202 UNIBUS connector, longer with 2' cable
M9302 UNIBUS terminator, far end (SU)
M9312 UNIBUS terminator, near end w/ 5 bootstrap ROM sockets
Jeffrey Sharp
Received on Sun Feb 16 2003 - 17:47:01 GMT