IBM Displaywriter etc

From: Dan Cohoe <>
Date: Sun Feb 16 19:42:00 2003

I ran across a number of Displaywriter cpu's and keyboards on the weekend as
well as a bunch of IBM 4972 terminals.

I think I may find Series/1 parts in further searching through this
interesting site.

I didn't know what the floppy drives for the Displaywriters looked like
until I checked with Google after coming home. I believe I saw some of them
as well.

I also picked up some manuals and diagnostic diskettes for the IBM Office
System 6. Anybody need them? The actual System 6 is there but has been out
in the rain too long to be of much interest unless someone needs something
specific (and waterproof) from it.

Quite a lot of other stuff as well, which I'll list as, if, and when I get
to it.

If anyone is interested in any of these things, I'll try to get them put
away in safe storage. I'd be willing to hold on to them until Dayton. The
owner is very reasonable with his selling prices.

regards, Dan Cohoe
Received on Sun Feb 16 2003 - 19:42:00 GMT

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