> Or international hilarity at his numbness. But I don't
> hold the cleverness of his, his father's, or Cheyny's
> corporate oil company masters with disdain. I just
> figure their aims aren't in the worlds interests.
The US government's primary interests are probably in
the continuity of itself, just at Canada's government's
interests are probably in the continuity of itself, just as
it is also so every where else in the world. Secondary
interests would be in continuity of governments of
nations we are allied with, nations we rely on for imported
resources, etc. Just as Lawrence Walker's primary
interests ( and not I say primary, not sole ) are probably
in the interest of the continuity and survival of Lawrence
Walker and his family. It's the reality of the way things are.
Too bad you don't live in a country sandwiched somewhere
in between Iraq and Iran. Since you don't seem to like your
current neighboring country to the south too very much, maybe
you'd be happier with other neighbors instead?
> Oh Bennet, you flawed casualty of Republican wiles.
Lawrence, we just want decent paying jobs, a decent place to
live, medical care, etc. It's pretty easy for you bringing in your
retirement plus what you make on your eBay sales, in a country
that, yes, with perhaps a higher tax rate, ensures all it's
citizens get what medical care they need. Down here, at present
time, I have to work for it, and when you work for yourself, starting
out from scratch, you just about have to fight for it. Lawrence,
poverty kills.
From: "Lawrence Walker" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 01:46:55 -0600
> Quality of life is the indicator that really matters to the most of us,
> and we are rated #3 as opposed to the US's #13.
> The US$ rate is quite nice when I sell on EPay.
> Every Canadian retiree is guarenteed an inflation-indexed pension of
> about $980 a month. With my additional pension I do just fine.
> Yes we do have our "wonderful socialized health care", like virtually
> all modern industrialized states, and unlike in the US where the
> "health business" managed to do a head job on the people about the
> dangers of "socialized" medical services.
Lawrence, now you go too far.
> I hope you don't end up in jail regretting how much you
> might have made if YOU had bought out the leftover
> Maynard stock.
Wish I could have bought all they had, of just a few things.
But at the time, I really hardly had two nickels to rub together.
I hope you too don't end up in jail. Lawrence you are so "thrifty"
it seems you'd do just about anything to keep from having to
pay a cent you thought you could get out of.
Subject: RE: Paperwork to move classiccmps from .ca to .us?
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 09:12:04 -0500
I ship and receive goods all the time from here in Canada. Usually there is
no problem, except occasionally getting dinged on this end for GST (goods and
services tax). Since NAFTA (which I HATE generally), there is no duty on
to my knowledge. It is unecessary to disable the equipment nor does it
matter where
it was manufactured.
Would you disable a piece of equipment to get out of paying your GST?
Would you fraudulently claim on a customs document an item was a
gift instead of a purchase, or try to get a seller to put a fraudulent purchase
price down, to try to lower your import duties? There are people that do those
type of things. I sent some items up to Canada since NAFTA was enacted,
and the buyers did have to pay their PST/GST. Don't know why they would
and you wouldn't? You might want to check before you have trouble over that.
Lawrence, I fill out my paperwork correctly. I have a business license. I pay
what taxes I owe. I don't engage in any creative accounting practices. I refuse
to sell items to buyers I can't confirm the identity of. I won't provide
parts for
any application I have any doubt as to whether or not it is permitted by our
government. I don't drink and drive. I don't do drugs.
Lawrence, I've truly read some notable comments from you over the course
of time.
It'll probably be you in jail long before me.
Best Regards,
At 12:25 AM 2/18/03 -0600, you wrote:
>On 17 Feb 2003, , Mail List wrote:
> > Hi Eric,
> >
> > And he's a president that's doing a good job. I think he
> > portrays a "simple country boy" persona, but in actuality, I
> > think there's a whole lot more to him than he publicaly lets
> > on. Like a poker player, he holds his cards closely. And his
> > father was an excellent president too. He "inherited" a
> > national economic situation from the Reagan years ( and
> > Ronald Reagan did good things too ) that couldn't be turned
> > around quickly ( a national economy has incredible mass and
> > inertia ), so he bore the blame for it and lost to Clinton.
> > There's a whole lot more going on in the circles of national
> > gov't. and national defense than they can let be openly
> > disclosed to the world, for national defense and national
> > security reasons.
> >
> Or international hilarity at his numbness. But I don't
>hold the cleverness of his, his father's, or Cheyny's
>corporate oil company masters with disdain. I just
>figure their aims aren't in the worlds interests.
> Oh Bennet, you flawed casualty of Republican wiles.
>I hope you don't end up in jail regretting how much you
>might have made if YOU had bought out the leftover
>Maynard stock.
> >
> > At 09:45 PM 2/17/03 -0600, you wrote:
> > > > > No, it was sarcasm, pointing to Sellam's Bush-bashing.
> > > >
> > > > Gee... isn't that comment a little extreme? I thought
> > > > he was just making use of his horticultural abilities
> > > > from his keyboard, verbally pruning a Shrub...
> > >
> > >He was doing yet more of his Bush-bashing. Not Shrub. The
> > >President of the United States is named Bush. -- Eric
> > >Dittman Check out the DEC Enthusiasts
> > >Club at
Received on Tue Feb 18 2003 - 09:31:01 GMT